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Sad Girl Sonnet #2



Last week I had breakfast with a lover 

from three years ago. I confessed 

nothing, the yolk from the over 

easy egg crusting in the grooves 

of my thumb ring. I’d like to believe it’s a sign 

for something. They change

the pH, you know. Dicks, not eggs. 

They can’t leave anything they enter 

quietly. So I’m on Tinder in Italy. I’m on 

Klonopin in Italy, Wellbutrin, gabapentin, 

Plan B. Here it’s called ellaOne. 

The Italians can make any morning 

after sound romantic, church bells 

in the distance, sperm running down my thigh.


Sad Girl Sonnet #19



It’s another Tuesday, and I marvel at what I can—the interwoven 
curves of a pretzel-shaped cookie covered in sugar crystals, 
just one variety in the blue tin. My grandmother 
was a beautiful woman—I think this while I sip my coffee 
alone in a foreign country, remembering how she used 
the empty tins for sewing kits. Why does everything feel 
like dying? I chew this cookie now, but I will die. The last time, 
I stopped myself because I was afraid of a hell. I’ve been told
there is the most beautiful fresco of hell in Pisa. I need to know
my options. One of the cookies in the tin
looks like a rippled teardrop, hole in the center, and for an hour
I’m mad at the person who designed the hole there. I dip 
the cookie, and the coffee flows right in. To be 
passed through with ease. How could hell be worse. 

Diannely Antigua is a Dominican American poet and educator, born and raised in Massachusetts. Her debut collection Ugly Music (YesYes Books, 2019) was the winner of the Pamet River Prize and a 2020 Whiting Award. Her second collection, Good Monster, is forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press in 2024. She received her MFA at NYU and was awarded a Global Research Initiative Fellowship to Florence, Italy. She is the recipient of additional fellowships from the Academy of American Poets, CantoMundo, Community of Writers, and the Fine Arts Work Center Summer Program. She teaches in the MFA Writing Program at the University of New Hampshire as the inaugural Nossrat Yassini Poet in Residence. She hosts the podcast Bread & Poetry and is currently the Poet Laureate of Portsmouth, NH.

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