7 Scientifically-Proven Benefits of Journaling

Much like writing in a diary, journaling offers you an opportunity to explore the events of each day or week through writing and sketching. While many people feel like journaling is for teenagers or that it takes up too much time, there are many benefits to journaling.

Keeping track of good things that happen while clearing your mind of bad things can help you feel more positive about life. Here are seven more scientifically-proven benefits of journaling.

Reach your goals

While you may have an accountability buddy, there may be some goals you are too shy to share with them. Journaling is a way of holding yourself accountable for achieving your goals.

Writing down your goals solidifies them in your mind and provides an opportunity for you to develop how you aim to achieve them. Besides, when your goals are solidified in your subconscious through writing, your brain is always going to look for opportunities to reach your goals.

Track emotions

One of the biggest benefits of journaling is the ability to track your emotions. Writing your thoughts down helps to process what you feel and why. By tracking your emotions, you can work out patterns.

It is easier to establish what triggers positive feelings and what triggers negative feelings. By finding these triggers, you may be able to avoid the negative triggers or work out ways to reduce the effect they have on you.

Clear your mind

Writing down what you are thinking helps to clear your mind since you are not holding on to empty thoughts. Rather, these thoughts are recorded in a permanent place, allowing you to revisit them when you need to.

A clear mind not only helps you to fall asleep faster but also reduces the chances of bad dreams and nightmares. Clearing the subconscious of the day’s events reduces the stressful material that the brain can use to form dreams.

We all have so much work in this world—one of the best things to do sometimes is to outsource. For non-academic assignments, you can find more info here on EssayonTime. Relieving yourself from the stress that’s avoidable is the best policy and you must keep working towards doing so.

Improve memory

If you are searching for transferrable journaling benefits, it is essential to know that journaling can improve your memory. When you write things by hand, your brain processes it better and commits it to memory.

Also, journaling forces you to focus on a particular idea or thought. Because of the nature of memory and the brain, you are more likely to remember the things you focus on.

Boost creativity

Since a journal is usually a personal piece, you are less likely to aim for perfection. Allowing words and images to flow freely from your pen in a space that is free from judgment can help develop creative skills.

Journaling is a way to practice creative skills like drawing and writing without exposing yourself to criticism. You are likely the only person to see what is in your journal, and therefore all you will see is progress and improvement.

Reduce anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are on a sharp increase across the globe. Journaling provides numerous health benefits, including the ability to reduce anxiety and depression.

Journaling allows you to keep track of moods and destructive behaviors. It may offer insight into patterns and triggers that will help you address the root cause of your disorder. Finally, by journaling, you are clearing and calming your kind, allowing space for positive thoughts.

Boost your health

Mental health isn’t the only thing that benefits from journaling. It can boost your physical health as well. Journaling helps produce positive emotions and improves sleeping patterns.

Writing is also a great way to reduce stress. Stress weakens the immune system, so reducing stress boosts the immune system and helps you fight illness. Therefore, journaling reduces the chances of you falling ill, and helps you fight illness more effectively.


Journaling offers many benefits across a variety of aspects of your life. Not only can you improve your mental state, but it also boosts your physical well-being through journaling. Besides, journaling offers an outlet for emotion where you can process what you feel and why.

Through these processes, you learn about yourself and how to solve your own problems, what triggers you, and situations to avoid. Journaling also helps reduce the effects of mental illness and may improve the effectiveness of medications.

Jayron Baldwin

Jayron Baldwin is a creative writer, poet, and sports fan. He is currently compiling material to publish his very own poetry blog.

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